An illustration of yellow and red flowers against a lush, green background.

Willa Magland

Hello, welcome to my site! It's hosted on an old laptop on a bookshelf. This is where I write, share the things that I find, and experiment with the internet. You can learn more about me or check out my blog posts.

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Recent Posts


Happy new year! I'm awfully excited about this one. Why, you ask? Because it's going to be mine! It is with this January that I begin my life anew.

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I Met My Book Goal!

Okay, well technically my book goal was only 16, but some time last week I decided to bump it up to match my mom's yearly 25 book goal. I did it! This is definitely the most amount of books I've ever read in a year in my life (not ashamed to say that), and I'm looking forward to setting a higher goal next year. Maybe 35? I think I could do it.

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November and Early December Updates

Here's what's been up with me recently!

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Current Status ☕