An illustration of yellow and red flowers against a lush, green background.

Willa Magland

Poison, DRM, WWII, and Bookmarks

Posted Sep 5, 2023

Many things happened this week, and many of them were beautiful. My general dislike for cities was once again challenged, this time by Chicago's brilliant skyline and immersive culture. I also found quite a few beautiful things on the internet...

  1. With brutal honesty, Adam Mastroianna writes about what it's like Having a Skull full of Poison, his preferred term for depression and mental illness. Mastroianna shares his experience and discusses how changing our perspectives allows us to learn to live with our mental illness, rather than without.

  2. Uncover The Hotel Majestic's lost history through old postcards, letters, and newspaper clippings.

  3. Enjoy the Wordle, but need something a little different? Ridella offers a daily riddle. But don't worry, they're fairly easy... so far.

  4. Each of us has had an experience where Internet Archive's Wayback Machine has undeniably saved our ass. Personally, the resource has proved itself vital for learning about the things I love, allowing me to explore the carefully hand-crafted fan sites of the early two-thousands (notably, the Crazy Psychos). Just a few minutes exploring the site's archives feels immersive, and more importantly, *real. *This is why Tom Scocca suggests Making the Wayback Machine the Real Internet, when the web of the present is becoming all the more generative and un-intimate.

  5. The Boiling Frog of Digital Freedom.

  6. Oakland Library's "Found in a Library Book": What do you use as a bookmark, besides, well, an actual bookmark?

  7. Nina Siegal writes on The Roma Holocaust, an all too often forgotten aspect of the second world war. The article reminded me of Berlin's Memorial to the Sinti and Roma Victims, which I was able to visit in spring.

  8. I've found that nothing pleases me more than reading about people's grandparents. I'm very lucky to have all four of my grandparents around, and this post by Cat Hicks on craft deeply reminded me of my brilliant grandfather, who does carpentry in his free time.

Since, against all odds, I'm actually creating a habit out of these posts (crazy, right?!), I may move to something more stable, instead of, you know, the cloud plan for the notes app on my laptop that I got discounted because I'm a student~

But we'll see. I'm eyeing the IndieWeb, as well as my own domain. I'll letcha know. Still partly afraid I'm yelling into the void here.


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