Willa Magland

Ēriks Ešenvalds - Vineta | Ēriks Ešenvalds - Vineta | Ēriks Ešenvalds - Vineta {} | Ēriks Ešenvalds - Vineta

Hi! My name is Willa

...and this blog is hosted on an old laptop on my bedroom bookshelf. I like freedom, surfing the web, reading, and sharing the thoughts I have and the things that I find. You can get updates to this blog through RSS, or send me a follow request on Instagram.

Recent posts:

Interesting Links

I am really loving Linkding! And, I know I’ve already talked about it, but my favorite feature is being able to share certain links to the public ‘shared links’ page. You can check it out here. So, with that being public, I probably won’t write too many link harvests anymore, which is a little sad, but if I ever find something really cool, I’m still going to make a post about it.

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Selfhosting Everything: Linkding Bookmark Manager

Maybe one of the best decisions of my life when I started really exploring the web was signing up for Omnivore, a FOSS read-it-later app of the likes of Mozilla’s Pocket, which has gone downhill over the years. Omnivore, with its browser extension and app, made it super easy to save articles on the fly. I knew that anything I saved, I would be able to find quickly. Back when I did link roundups more often, I’d scroll through my Omnivore to see what I had found interesting over the past few weeks, because it was all there.

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Obsidian + Syncthing = Awesome

As someone who went all-in on Obsidian about a year ago, I’m not ecstatic about being back, but the truth is that it has the best mobile interface of any notetaking app that I’ve tried so far. And pairing this up with Syncthing is just, muah. I don’t think I’ll find myself paying for sync services ever again, local sync is just too flawless. Other than that, I’ve found myself busy again, but with the nice weather it all somehow seems managable.

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