Willa Magland

This is a page dedicated to the bookbug book club! Every month a book, usually a classic, is picked. Click the button below to join or read other member's reviews!

Aug 12, 2024
Pnin (August 2024)
Jul 9, 2024
To the Lighthouse (July 2024)
Jul 3, 2024
Strangers on a Train (June 2024)
Jun 3, 2024
The Master and Margarita (May 2024)

Other Book Stuff

Unrelated to bookbug, here's some more info about the books I've been reading. I track it on Bookwyrm [here](https://books.duck.cafe/user/lianove3)

Current Books:

2024 Books:

Please please please recommend me a book!

Current Status ☕

a little dancing guy