An illustration of yellow and red flowers against a lush, green background.

Willa Magland

Updated /about and /bookbug (2024-09-24)

Just some small changes to my bio. Will flesh it out later. Over on /bookbug I added the LibraryThing library widget, which I think is neat.

Migrated to 11ty (2024-08-30)

I got sick of Hugo! This started about a week ago when I started perusing the 11ty docs. Having started school I've felt that I needed my website to have more of a professional look. I started to replicate things on my local machine, and I actually really like 11ty. It has some quirks that I'm not crazy about (like having to write JS, the pain of getting Markdown footnotes to work), but I think that's just opportunity to grow.

Current Status ☕

a little dancing guy