An illustration of yellow and red flowers against a lush, green background.

Willa Magland

1001 Albums, Music (and some links)

Posted Feb 8, 2024

I'm really proud of where this site is at right now! My next steps are to implement Webmention, and it looks like I'll have to use a service like, which I'm okay with. I'm really enjoying Hugo as a platform, and find it very versatile for whatever I want to accomplish.

It has been a very musical week so far. My goal to expand my music horizons has been supported with the 1001 Albums Generator, which gives you a daily random pick from the "1001 most influential albums of all time." It even has group functionality, which means that my family and friends all get the same album, and we all rate them together. It's been good so far, with the likes of B.B. King (today), Steely Dan, and Billy Joel (things got a little heated in the ratings with Fatboy Slim). If you'd like to join our group, shoot me a message! Sharing music is one of the greatest things you can share.

Other than that, I have been in very good company on Spotify. My recent top artist has been Paul Simon, who I can absolutely not get over. In my experience, some artists are shufflable, and some artists are not. While I love CSH and The Beatles, they are the opposite of "shufflable." Paul on the other hand... Just great vibes all the way!

As always, Mac DeMarco and Men I Trust keep me company on bus rides and the walk between classes.

Anyway, here are some great links from the past week-ish-whenever-the-heck.

Peace and love,

I think I'll make an actual real post, on something real, of substance, soon.


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