Willa Magland

2024 07 03

Posted Jul 3, 2024

I finished Highsmith's Strangers on a Train, you can read my (brief) thoughts about it here. Excited to move on, today I knocked out 20 pages of To the Lighthouse, which is so beautifully written. When I looked up a word she used, jacmanna, I learned it to mean Clematis Jackmanii, which led me to this wonderful website of a farm not terribly far from where I live. Maybe I'll visit them someday and thank them.

I still have yet to buy some stickers for my laptop, but I have been thinking of the sort of things I would like of them. I want the outside of my laptop to reflect myself just as much as the inside does (fedora, xfce, everforest theme :]), so I definitely want a couple Her's stickers, possibly some CSH and Vansire. Maybe I'll look for stickers that are book covers, like this. Perhaps I'll even indulge in some Sad Ghost Club, as it's been a while since I bought anything from them (my last purchase, a second sweatshirt, I stupidly sent to an address I moved away from before it arrived).

I appreciate this explanatory post about sending things to a Kindle. It might come in handy later as my annoyance for these tools grows and I move to writing my own.

A fun game you can play in your browser (even on mobile).

I had a lot of fun with Katherine's RegEx Poetry Machine.

28 GIFs That Explain James Joyce's Dubliners - Overthinking It

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