An illustration of yellow and red flowers against a lush, green background.

Willa Magland

Notes, links, photos (September 2024)

Posted Sep 23, 2024

a picture of the scoreboard for a football game, Blue Hens vs UPenn

Hello! Happy Banned Books Week :) ! Today I stopped by the table set up in our library, and what do you know, I won their banned-book raffle! I'm looking forward to picking up my copy of Morrison's The Bluest Eye tomorrow after classes. They did an absolutely wonderful job setting up the tableโ€”they had button making, bingo sheets, guess-the-banned-book, bookmarks, stickers... I'm looking forward to seeing what they have planned for the rest of the week!

Guess that's it :p peace!

a picture of a page of Woolf's The Waves

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