Willa Magland

A few things worth sharing

Posted Aug 6, 2023

Hello! We've together made it to the end of the week, only to find ourselves at the beginning of another. You would think we'd be used to it by now! Here are a few things from the past 7 days worth sharing, published a little later than intended. I hope to continue sharing these small weekly harvests of life and the internet, but that is for my memory to decide.

  1. Uri from Atoms vs Bits outlines what he calls Carrot Problems, and how to spot them. 🥕

  2. I've completed Ray Bradbury's brilliant Farenheit 451. This specific piece of dialogue at the end moved me:

We're remembering. That's where we'll win out in the long run. And someday we'll remember so much that we'll build the biggest goddamn steamshovel in history and dig the biggest grave of all time and shove war in and cover it up.

  1. From Slower Space, "Learning to feel your feelings," by Jodie Melissa Rodgers. ☕

  2. Our pool has, unfortunately, taken on a greener color. With how busy everyone's been, it's undergone an extensive bout of neglect, as well as chorine. And so the lively ecosystem will be draining over this week. I'm sure the lawn is overjoyed, if not overwhelmed.

    On that note, the amount of afternoon rain our area is receiving has made the days fresh, green and lively. My mom and I set up hammocks in the shade to cradle us while we read. Per my grandfather's recommendation, I've begun Foundation, a Sci-Fi series and life-long adoration of his. Currently it's simply politics, but nonetheless gripping!

  3. Mason Currey's Subtle Maneuvers dictates Vincent Van Gogh's advice to a young artist 🎨:

[I]n order to write a book, do a deed, paint a picture with some life in it, one has to be alive oneself. And so, unless you never want to progress, study is a matter of very secondary importance for you. Enjoy yourself as much as you can, have as many diversions as you can, and remember that what people demand in art nowadays is something very much alive, with strong colour and great intensity. So intensify your own health and strength and life a little; that is the best study.

  1. The Sad Bastard Cookbook is a completely free catalogue of easy-to-make meals when you just need to keep it all together.

That's all for this week! See you soon...


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