Willa Magland

Don't Bite your Employer, Fairy Tales, Folk Tales, and Little Things

Posted Oct 17, 2023

Oh boy, I have a lot of links for this week, so saddle up. Lots of good stuff on the inter-webs. I didn't make a soup this week, but been on the lookout for the next recipe to try. By the way, if you're in need of soup content, check out the Brothmonger.

  1. I'm sorry I bit you during my job interview. If you only click one link on this post, it should be this one. That's a lie, keep reading!

  2. Check out the Wildlife Photographers of the Year winners. Seriously, some stunning stuff. I can't decide if my favorite is the fireflies, or the hippos!

  3. In the spirit of the spookier of the seasons, enjoy a fairy tale. Short on time? Here's a shorter one.

  4. Okay, now I mean it, this is my favorite share this week: "The Missouri French Creole Folk Tale of Chasse Galerite," animated beautifully by Brian Hawkings. It's a wonderful story, I highly recommend watching it.

  5. I've heard that long ago, Spotify had a song-recommendation feature. Sent You A Song is a cute little site that allows you to preserve the intimacy of sharing music with another. Send someone you love a song!

  6. I've never read the NYT's Metropolitan Diary before, but after reading this wonderful piece, perhaps I will. Each story is so magical!

  7. Your weekly freebie alert: information! And a ton of it. Ever since I had to rely on the scans of super niche magazines from the nineties for a research project, I've kept an eye out for that kind of stuff. I present to you, the newly digitalized, completely free Whole Earth Index. Look at all that stuff!

  8. We're all getting sick of the AI craze, or have been for a while. This pretty much sums it up.

That's all, thanks for reading! :3


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