Willa Magland

I Met My Book Goal!

Posted Dec 20, 2024

Okay, well technically my book goal was only 16, but some time last week I decided to bump it up to match my mom's yearly 25 book goal. I did it! This is definitely the most amount of books I've ever read in a year in my life (not ashamed to say that), and I'm looking forward to setting a higher goal next year. Maybe 35? I think I could do it.

My top five books this year:

  1. Virginia Woolf, To the Lighthouse
  2. Gabriel García Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude
  3. Mikhail Bulgakov, The Master and Margarita
  4. E. M. Forster, A Room with a View
  5. The Essential Dickenson Selected by Joyce Carol Oats

Two of these I read for Bookbug book club, which has been a very special place for me, and I'm so thankful that I found it earlier this year. I ❤️ bookbug!

Honorable mentions are The Hours by Michael Cunningham, The Awakening by Kate Chopin, and My Ántonia by Willa Cather!

I've already a compiled a (developing) TBR for 2025:

I own all of these EXCEPT two... which means that it's pretty much impossible for me to rationalize buying books at all. Hooray for my wallet!

Current Status ☕