An illustration of yellow and red flowers against a lush, green background.

Willa Magland

Drawing, charitable mice, tyromancy, books, and an “yxe”

Posted Jan 19, 2024

It's a SNOW DAY! And that means it is a LINK DAY! Here are some things I've been wanting to share with you all...

  1., make sure your volume is UP! This is a piece from Ben Moren, and you can find more soothing nature-y type stuff at his website, here! art

  2. A sweet mouse is filmed cleaning up a man's shed in Bristol. Watch the video, it's the most magical thing this month.

  3. Learn about the almost-lost art of Cheese Divination, a.k.a., Tyromancy.

  4. So, I haven't actually watched (watched? scrolled? read?) the entirety of this, but simply the concept was enough for me to share it. The film Perfect Days has been adapted so you can experience it in your browser.

  5. People's favorite dance moves from AROUND THE WORLD

  6. Read about a king, a castle, and a kingdom of books. This was my favorite read of the past week. RIP, Richard Booth.

  7. Which word begins with "y" and looks like an axe in this picture? Long, but so, so worth it.

That's all for now, bye bye

Willa Magland

Current Status ☕

a little dancing guy