An illustration of yellow and red flowers against a lush, green background.

Willa Magland

What I'm Reading (Feb 2024)

Posted Feb 29, 2024

I've found myself caught in a web of books, each one crying out for my attention. I've only included ones I am truly actively reading, not in the least neglected. On a typical day I have three "time slots" where I can sit down and read, so everything is always staggered.

And, as always, House of Leaves. Right now I am annotating the Whalestoe Letters, which I admit I've mostly glossed over in the past. Speaking of, I am mostly done with a HoL post that I can't decide to post here, or to save it for a bigger project I plan on launching later. Hmm, maybe both?

I might post some links later this week, we'll see.

At any rate, that is happiness; to be dissolved into something complete and great. β€” Willa Cather


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