Willa Magland

Spooky Text Messages, Bee Gees, Frogs, and Civilization(al?) Collapse

Posted Oct 24, 2023

Happy Tuesday, a bit late.

  1. I really enjoyed this one, way back from 2012, by Malory Ortberg: Text Messages From a Ghost.

  2. A nice story about someone somewhere's grandfather.

  3. Maybe one of my favorite videos ever, but enjoy this Bee Gees cover.

  4. Frogs are cool. Everybody likes frogs. Check out this Frog Blog, last updated in 2014.

  5. And lastly (I told you this week's was short), an Operating System designed for civilization's collapse. Might want to bookmark this one!

Right now I'm working on programming my own website, and if I ever get something functional (not sure how I'm going to implement RSS support), I'll migrate all my posts to that new website. I'm going for a real geocities vibe.



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