An illustration of yellow and red flowers against a lush, green background.

Willa Magland

I'm back. With a vengence? No, with links and photos!

Posted Jul 22, 2024

I traveled around Washington with my family for a little over a week. My sibling C lives up there, so we picked them up, stayed a few days in an AirBnB, hiking and walking and such, and then went back to Seattle for Seattle-y things. It was fun. It was beautiful.

Here are some photos. This is my first time using my Flickr account, so I hope I did everything right! Enjoy!

We visited a few bookshops while we were there. At Charlie's Queer Books I got The Hours by Michael Cunningham, and at Ophelia's Used Books I got Mrs Dalloway's Party and A Room Of One's Own and Three Guineas. I'd known about Mrs Dalloway's Party, and had previously failed to find the ebook. The cashier said that it was a bit elusive, and that the one I had picked up was actually the first paperback edition published! Which I was very happy to hear.

My Virginia Woolf collection has grown substantially.

Six books on a bookshelf, held upright by a candle. The books are: Mrs Dalloway's Party, To the Lighthouse A Room Of One's Own and Three Guineas, Mrs Dalloway, and A Virginia Woolf biography by Lyndall Gordon.


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