An illustration of yellow and red flowers against a lush, green background.

Willa Magland

Noon on a Saturday

Posted Jun 6, 2024

I'm back to updating the site! Made things look a little bit more cheerful with some color, but it's definitely a work in progress. I'd like to add more fun things, maybe spice up the Spotify widget, and add some more "me" stuff (resume, stuff I've made etc.). The big news though is the bookbug page! Bookbug is a little bookclub that I have so generously been admitted to, and I'm really excited for this new way to habitualize my reading. I had so much fun reading The Master and Margarita (it may be one of my favorite books of all time 🤭) and I'm excited for Strangers on a Train.

Also in the past week or so I finished Donna Tartt's The Goldfinch. I have thoughts, but not many. It was an interesting ride, and those 900 pages really made me work! I'm not sure I'll write a post about it since I don't find myself thinking about it too much.

Next up for me is finishing up Dubliners, picking my way through TMAM again, and, of course, starting Strangers on a Train.

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