Willa Magland

Pokémon, Old Paintings, 40 year-long films, and Horcruxes

Posted Sep 18, 2023

Guess who wrote a whole post, but forgot to publish it? Not me, that's who. Well, I'll see you again on tuesday.

  1. Pokemon has announced a recent collaboration with the Van Ghogh Museum

  2. Baumgartner Restorations saves a "butchered" vintage portrait. I don't know a thing about painting restorations, but it was beautiful to watch how a piece can be brought back to life.

  3. Meet the couple who've been working on the same stop-motion film for 40 years. I also suggest checking out one of their earlier films, The Hedgehog in the Fog, which is only 10 minutes.

  4. Get lost in a river of images. You can find almost everything, but you have to work for it! Don't forget to scroll. The site is powered by are.na.

  5. Probably my favorite of the week, the Biodiversity Library wrote an article on The Naturalists Companion, an 1800s "museum in a manuscript." Here's a flickr album containing all the cool, and mostly silly looking, sketches.

  6. Bring back Stained Glass Sundials!

  7. Have you ever wanted to encrypt a file, but without having to remember a lengthy passcode? Go Voldy-style and turn it into a series of horcruxes. (horcruxi?)

  8. With Google Chrome going beserk, switching over to Firefox is more necessary than ever. With that in mind, here are some cool Firefox features nobody talks about

  9. More on bees: check out these cool gold ones; a handcrafted website with everything you'd ever wanted to know about beekeeping; why can't we just leave them bee?

with <3,


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