Willa Magland

Turkules, The Big Here, Late Night, and VFTTD

Posted Nov 30, 2023

Yeah, yeah, it's Thursday, I know. I'm also aware haven't posted in a month, but that was on purpose, trust me. I could dump everything I've saved the past 4 weeks here, but I'll spare you. Here's, instead, my favorites. The cream of the crop.

  1. As has become extremely apparent the past year, mainstream media is hopeless without the world's writers. Late night shows in particular, since every day they need to churn out new jokes, each day. Slate did a video on how that's even possible, and the secret formula they use to do it.

  2. The easiest, cleanest way to get rid of a villain, while leaving plausibility for a crappy sequel? Have them trip and fall. Here's a YouTube playlist that compiles all those sweet moments.

  3. This is one of my absolute favorites, a sluthey tale of a journalist potentially uncovering a decades-old cold case: the murder of the Fudge King. It's a longer read, but I strongly recommend it.

  4. Two articles on animals acting as if they're royalty, and they certainly should be. Down under, "Neil the Seal" prevents a woman from getting to work by flopping himself down in-front of her car. Closer to home, "Turkules" terrorizes New Jersey, and gains quite the following. If they fought, who do you think would win?

  5. A NASA astronaut dropped a tool bag, and you can see it with a good pair of binoculars.

  6. Take control of your online presence! Having lots of unused profiles is risky for credential security. Just Delete Me is an open source directory of sometimes-hidden URLS to pages to simply delete your account on various web services.

  7. How well do you know the area you live in? You'd think pretty well. Take the Big Here Quiz and get to know your area. I knew almost nothing, ha.

That's all for now,


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